Access Keys:

Carrickmannon Primary School, Ballygowan, Newtownards



The school's Staff bring a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and commitment to ensuring that Carrickmannon provides a quality education in a nurturing environment.

All of our teachers are highly experienced practitioners who work tirelessly to provide a high standard of education to every pupil. 

We have an excellent pupil teacher ratio and believe in committing high quality individual teaching to any child whose learning requires extra attention.

We currently have five classroom assistants who work in all classes to support the children and teachers.

Miss Brown
Miss Brown

Principal                 P3/4 Teacher

Mrs McCoy
Mrs McCoy

Senior Teacher      P6/7 Teacher  Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Mrs Francis
Mrs Francis

P1/2 Teacher    SENCO  Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Mrs Ruding
Mrs Ruding

P3/4 Teacher

Mrs Beggs
Mrs Beggs

P5 Teacher     Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Mrs Dornan
Mrs Dornan

P5 Teacher


Mrs Doyle
Mrs Doyle

Foundation Stage Classroom Assistant

Mrs Finlay
Mrs Finlay

SEN Classroom Assistant

Mrs Cleland
Mrs Cleland

SEN Classroom Assistant

Mr Roy
Mr Roy

SEN Classroom Assistant

Mrs Lemon
Mrs Lemon

Secretary / Building Supervisor